Today fashion designers and clothing brands and accessories can be as famous as a celebrity, fashion plays an important role in society and not only allows us to define our style and help us differentiate ourselves from others but take a role in society and be accepted, it allows us to express and define our personality, visually communicate our interests and tastes, but sometimes have the misconception that fashion in stores, dressers avenues and shopping centers more expensive and famous of the cities or the most luxurious areas of the world and the famous catwalks in New York, Milan or Paris fashion but can see it in stores at every level, in the street, on television and film in any audiovisual medium in advertising etc. Are infinite ways you can represent fashion in our society, still people look different things on fashion, some people look to look great, and others buy stuff because they feel comfortable with it, they’re even projects of Kickstarter shoes that are defined by their functionality and beauty. We must accept that fashion also influences a person feel accepted in society and a group of specific people such as in urban tribes, these sometimes do not take into account to define your personality and be original more well they are accepted in these groups of people but it is not always the case can also be a way where you expose your interests in clothing; of these subcultures is important to mention that there are infinite fashions and styles of these from the famous darks to the most extravagant tribes in Japan where endless and extravagant fashions are seen as Lolitas, decorate the girls ganguro in the famous streets of Tokyo on visual kei among others.